
Monday, 22 April 2013

Psychics and their coffees!

TODAY I'm blogging from my floor because the dogs have taken over the sofas. Ugh. 

So, I have to blog about what happened today because it was so weird. 

A guy came into the coffee shop for a regular Americano to takeaway. As I was making his coffee he said 'turn around a second' so I did and he then said 'you have a fear that you're never going to have kids and I want you to know that you've been told things that are not true and you're going to have a beautiful baby girl' 

Background story: I've been told that I there's only a slight chance of me being able to children and yes, I have a huge fear that I will never have children of my own and will never find anyone that wants to be with a women who can't have children

HOW did this guy know!? It's so weird. I've never told anyone - not even my bestfriend - how scared I am that I will never have a family. Now, you will have your own beliefs on this kind of stuff but if I'm being honest I do believe in it to an extent. I think its because I read too much. I don't know. I think right now I'm just really hoping that this guy was telling the truth. I can't begin to tell you how it feels to be told that you may never be a mother. I feel its something you can't really begin to understand until you're in that position. Its like a horrible aching in your chest. On the news you hear about parents abusing their children, you hear about people having children to get benefits, you hear about children being abandoned, and it makes me so angry. There so many people that take having children for granted and then there's so many deserving people that would do anything to be able to have their own children. I'm one of those people. I look at my nephew and I love him so much. I'd do anything for him. I just feel 'if this is how much I love my nephew just think how much I'd love my own child.

So yeah...I hope, reeeeeeeaaaly hope, that psychics do exist and that he was telling the truth. Call me gullible. 
On another note...I want to be psychic. Or just have magic powers...I'd even settle for good instinct. I love spiritual stuff, its so interesting. Science kind of shits on this kind of stuff though but you know what? Miracles happen everyday so maybe one day I will have 'a beautiful little girl' 
I think that also means I'm not going to be forever alone with my 6 Husky dogs that I'm going to attach to sledge and use to get me around instead of a mobility scooter.


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