
Monday, 22 April 2013

Psychics and their coffees!

TODAY I'm blogging from my floor because the dogs have taken over the sofas. Ugh. 

So, I have to blog about what happened today because it was so weird. 

A guy came into the coffee shop for a regular Americano to takeaway. As I was making his coffee he said 'turn around a second' so I did and he then said 'you have a fear that you're never going to have kids and I want you to know that you've been told things that are not true and you're going to have a beautiful baby girl' 

Background story: I've been told that I there's only a slight chance of me being able to children and yes, I have a huge fear that I will never have children of my own and will never find anyone that wants to be with a women who can't have children

HOW did this guy know!? It's so weird. I've never told anyone - not even my bestfriend - how scared I am that I will never have a family. Now, you will have your own beliefs on this kind of stuff but if I'm being honest I do believe in it to an extent. I think its because I read too much. I don't know. I think right now I'm just really hoping that this guy was telling the truth. I can't begin to tell you how it feels to be told that you may never be a mother. I feel its something you can't really begin to understand until you're in that position. Its like a horrible aching in your chest. On the news you hear about parents abusing their children, you hear about people having children to get benefits, you hear about children being abandoned, and it makes me so angry. There so many people that take having children for granted and then there's so many deserving people that would do anything to be able to have their own children. I'm one of those people. I look at my nephew and I love him so much. I'd do anything for him. I just feel 'if this is how much I love my nephew just think how much I'd love my own child.

So yeah...I hope, reeeeeeeaaaly hope, that psychics do exist and that he was telling the truth. Call me gullible. 
On another note...I want to be psychic. Or just have magic powers...I'd even settle for good instinct. I love spiritual stuff, its so interesting. Science kind of shits on this kind of stuff though but you know what? Miracles happen everyday so maybe one day I will have 'a beautiful little girl' 
I think that also means I'm not going to be forever alone with my 6 Husky dogs that I'm going to attach to sledge and use to get me around instead of a mobility scooter.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Stay with me people, you're watching me change my life.

Okay, So my biggest problem was money management. I suck at handling money. I get money and its like I HAVE to spend it. Its there, I have it. I love going into a shop and being able to say 'I'll have that' and I just don't think! I brought a huge mug when I went to London a couple of weeks ago. WHY CHARLIE WHY! I only drink from small mugs - I didn't need that huge mug. It was just because it was from M&M world. I loved M&M world.
Fantastic photography by me. 
and I'm ACTUALLY using the mug as somewhere to put my hair grips. 
My mug smiles at me all the time.

Anyway...IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! The reason I went to London was to go to the British Museum but for some reason I got more excited about M&M world. More about London in another post right now we're talking MONEY MANAGEMENT.
So right now I have little money in my bank because I've been spending, spending, spending. I've brought clothes, books, food, went to London, erm....and loads of other stuff I didn't actually need to really what I brought today you could call irony. AT LEAST I'M TRYING OKAY! 

Its a money planner. Hence the name on the front. Pure genius. 
A paperchase purchase. We all love a bit of paperchase! 

This is really cool. There's loads of pointless pages in it though. 
I've already filled in the budget pages for the first 3 months and I can see how much has to go out and...I don't know. I'd never thought to do it before because I'm an idiot. I think when its all wrote down on paper its so much clearer and if I'm being honest....a tad bit scary. Especially when I see how much is going out in the first 2 months for debts! I'm just thinking 'I only have to suffer for 2 months! JUST 2 MONTHS!' I can man it. It'll be worth it in the end.'s August. This is when I'm debt free. So £100 rent for my mum, £15 for my mobile £100 for food (split up into £25 a week...although I don't spend that much on food but you be on the safe side) £4 for Oxfam and then £500 into my savings. Which comes to the grand total of £719. which leaves me money left over for clothes and stuff. Its going to make me more careful with my money that's for sure. In the corner I've wrote 'always split the remaining balance 4 ways' so I'm never going to be out of money. I'm also creating an 'emergency cash' account where I'm going to put a bit of money in each month so I never have to break into my savings. I should really write that down on the 'outgoings' bit...done it. So, £50 is going into the emergency cash bit. Which brings the outgoing balance to...£769 O_0 but its okay because I also get money in tips at work. So....if I don't touch my tips until the end of each month I'll have about £70 extra. The tips could actually be my emergency cash couldn't it? But then if the tips are very reliable I think. Moving on. I'm so excited. I'm really doing it. ME. Managing my money. Awesome sauce. =D 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Time to get this ass into gear!

I am in so much debt right now. Well, I lie, I'm not in as much debt as some people. I'm about.....£1100 in debt. Which is awful. To me. I'm only 21! I have a plan though! I think if I publish this plan I have to follow it. Right? Well...that's what is meant to happen anyway. But here's the thing - someone's opened my eyes. Lets not sugar coat it, I was dumped. I was made to feel so stupid, I was made to question myself...if I'm being honest that's the thing I was most upset about! Anyway - all the stuff that's happened recently has made me want to get up and do something about my life. I'm never going to get anywhere until I get my ass into gear. First things first - pay off debts. Ugh. Its going to be awful. I'm going to feel like I'm working for nothing and for 2 months I have to go without 'things' and I love things! Shopping makes me happy! I love buying new things! Yes, I am AWFUL when it comes to money! *IN DESPERATE NEED OF A MONEY MANAGER!* urm...where was I? Oh yeah, paying off debts. That'll take me 2 months because I'm not a snazzy uptown girl with a well paid job or rich parents, I'm a waitress on minimum wage (which is how all good stories start) and then as soon as they're paid off I'm saving up as much money as I can. I want to do so much. I want to travel. I know that's cliche! Everyone says they want to travel but I really want to. However I want and I will are 2 different things.

I want to travel to New Zealand and visit the home of middle earth!
I want to go to American and tour!
I want to visit Peru so I can do the Inca trail!
I want to jet off to Tanzania and climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
I want to go to Nepal and reach Everest base camp.
I want to go on a safari in South Africa.

I can carry on with the 'I wants' but the 'I wants' aren't going to magically turn into 'I ams' until I get a move on. I don't want to look back and say 'if only' Its quite scary to think that in 21 years I have to sweet nothing. If ONLY I started saving when I first got a job. If there's one bit of advice I can give you its be careful with your money! Save up, have a back up plan because you never know when life is going to screw you over! I'm paying for my past mistakes now but I'm dealing with them and I've learnt from them. I'm never going to let myself get into a mess like this again.

And to took an asshole to make me see this. Well...I should thank him really shouldn't I? Give him a pat on the back and say 'Bravo, Bravo!'

. You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.

Here's a fact of life - Not everyone is going to like you.
The sooner you accept this fact the better. I'm not always a nice person. I don't pretend to be. I know I'm a bitch. I know I can be nasty. When people hurt me I want to hurt them back. I'm selfish. I have an awful temper. I've said some things in anger that I can never take back. I don't like to be disliked. In fact I used to obsess over being liked. I hated the thought of people not liking me, I used to hide how I truly felt, I used to belittle myself to make others feel good but then I realized I'm allowed emotions and opinions. Even though I don't like all the bad things I've mentioned about myself I know there's lots of good in me at the same time. The problem with society is the moment you say you 'love' yourself is the moment they call you arrogant but today I realized that I may not be everyone's cup of tea but I like who I am. I don't have to agree with opinions I don't agree with just so I'll be liked. I don't have to be liked by everyone. I should just be the best person I can be. If you're worrying over what people are thinking or saying about you you will never achieve anything. You will never stand up for something you believe in. You will never break away from the crowd and do something you really want to do because no one else is doing it. The people in this world who have achieved great things are the people who were brave enough to do something different. You are who you are because of the life experiences you've had. Which is why you have to get as many experiences as possible. If you want to travel and you're friends don't - don't be afraid to go alone! If you want to climb a mountain but people tell you that you'll never be able to do it - do it.

Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hannah's helium argument.

Hannah was on the Helium app when she started having an argument with Sophie.
This video will forever make me laugh.